Incomplete... Part2
Try to find Greenland and Iceland on this stamp....
A few weaks ago, we already introduced you to Rundschau reader Wutz, who was annoyed by the fact that a recent German stamp incomplete. The stamp concerned is dedicated to the Goethe Institutes, organisations that make a lot of efforts to spread the German culture and language all over the planete. Especially because of this aim, Wutz found it incomprehensible that New Zealand was not on the stamp.
In the latest edition of the Michel-Rundschau, another subscriber, Jochen Klein, goes into this. New Zealand gone? That is nothing, Klein writes, compared to the fact that the biggest islang on earth, Greenland, is not to be found back on the stamp. And indeed, between the American mainland and Iceland, there is nothing but a huge stretch of water.
The purple arrow (New Zealand) and the yellow one (Greenland) indicatie the omissions on this German stamp.
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Maandblad Filatelie
More info:
Maandblad Filatelie