What's going on in Russia?
We know the President of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Postal and Philatelic Services, Frank Daniëls, as an outspoken man, a man with the heart on his tongue.
That is why we were a little disappointed that, in a press release signed by Daniëls, he was so vague as to a change in the the 2003 emission programme. It is about an emission, dedicated to the theme of 'Universities', which should have been released on March 17, 2003. The reason: "For the partnercountry, it was (...) impossible to keep this date because of some important elements concerning the emission of these stamps.
This, of course, could mean anything: a lack of time, bankruptcy of the printer, an overloaded emission programme - to name but a few. We had rather - curious as we are - seen Frank a little more open-hearted, be it solely to prevent the Russians from closing down the universities...
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Maandblad Filatelie